
        Public affairs








        1.Wang YQ#, Dai XD, Ran Y, Cao Y, Lan CL, Guan JT, Liu C, Yang FM, Gan YJ, Liu BJ, Fang AW, Lin D, Gong XH, Cui RZ, Jin ZB, Qu J, Lu F, Chi ZL*. Circulating S100A8/A9 Levels Reflect Intraocular Inflammation in Uveitis Patients. Ocul Immunol Inflam. 2018, Nov 5:1-9.

        2.Wang Y# , Jin Y, Chen W, Wang J, Chen H, Sun L, Li X, Ji J, Yu Q, Shen L, Wang B*. Construction of nanomaterials with targeting phototherapy properties to inhibit resistant bacteria and bio?lm infections. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019;358:74-90.

        3.Cheng D#, Shen M#, Zhuang X, Lin D, Dai M, Chen S, Lu F*, Wang Y*. Inner Retinal Microvasculature Damage Correlates With Outer Retinal Disruption During Remission in Behcet’s Posterior Uveitis by Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. 2018;59:1295–1304.

        4.Huang XF#, Chi W#, Lin D#, Dai ML, Wang YL, Yang YM, Jin ZB*, Wang Y*. Association of IL33 and IL1RAP Polymorphisms With Acute Anterior Uveitis. Current Molecular Medicine. 2017;17(7):1-7.

        5.Yuan M, Li W, Yang M, Huang X, Bai Z, Liu Y, Cai W, Wang Y *, Zhang F*. Affinity study on bovine serum albumin's peptides to amphiphilic gold nanoparticles: A test of epitopes and non-epitopes. Applied Surface Science. 2017;416:845-852.

        6.Huang XF#, Huang ZQ, Lin D, Dai ML, Wang QF, Chen ZJ, Jin ZB*,Wang Y *. Unraveling the genetic cause of a consanguineous family with unilateral coloboma and retinoschisis: expanding the phenotypic variability of RAX mutations. Scientific Reports. 2017;7:9064.

        7.Zhuang Z#, Wang Y#, Zhu G, Gu Y, Mao L, Hong M, Li Y, Zheng M*. Imbalance of Th17/Treg cells in pathogenesis of patients with human leukocyte antigen B27 associated acute anterior uveitis. Scientific Reports. 2017,16; 7: 40414.

        8.Wang Y#, Zhang Z, Zhang L, Li X, Lu R, Xu P, Zhang X, Dai M, Dai X, Qu J, Lu F, Chi Z*. S100A8 promotes migration and infiltration of inflammatory cells in acute anterior uveitis. Scientific Reports. 2016,27;6:36140.

        9.Huang XF#, Lin D#, Lin KH, Lee SH, Xia X, Yang YM, Zhu XF, Wang YL, Dai ML, Wang QF, Jin ZB,Wang Y *. Genotype-phenotype Association Study Reveals CFI-Rs13104777 to be a Protective Genetic Marker Against Acute Anterior Uveitis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm. 2016,5:1-6.

        10.Wang QF#, Huang XF#, Zheng ZL, Dai ML, Cai WJ, Yang MM, Jin ZB*, Wang YQ*. Association of CD59 and CFH polymorphisms with acute anterior uveitis in Chinese population. Eye (Lond). 2016 Nov;30(11):1452-1457. doi: 10.1038/eye.2016,15:146.

        11.Huang XF#, Wang Y#, Li FF, Lin D, Dai ML, Wang QF, Jin ZB*. CFHR2-rs2986127 as a genetic protective marker for acute anterior uveitis in Chinese patients. J Gene Med. 2016 Aug;18(8):193-8. doi: 10.1002/jgm.2890.

        12.Dai ML, Huang XF, Wang QF, Cai WJ, Jin ZB, Wang Y *. CFI-rs7356506 polymorphisms associated with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome. Molecular Vision. 2016; 22:9-17.

        13.Cheng D#, Wang Y#, Huang S, Wu Q, Chen Q, Shen M*, Lu F*. Macular inner retinal layer thickening and outer retinal layer damage correlate with visual acuity during retmission in Bechet’s disease. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci, 2016, 57(13): 5470-5478.

        14.Shi S#, Wang Y#, Yu J, Zhang B, Luo Z, Li X, Chen H. Enhancement of photothermal toxicity and lung targeting delivery of Au nanorods via heparin-based nanogel. RSC advances. 2015,5:22076-22079.

        15.王毓琴#*, 黃玉宜, 方海珍, 戴瑪莉, 鄭美琴, 向圣錦, 呂帆. 超聲生物顯微鏡在急性前葡萄膜炎治療中的監(jiān)測價值. 中華眼視光學與視覺科學雜志. 2015,17(5):261-264.

        16.Wang Y#, Huang XF, Yang MM, Cai WJ, Zheng MQ, Mao G, Pang CP, Jin ZB*. CFI-rs7356506 is a genetic protective factor for acute anterior uveitis in Chinese patients. Br J Ophthalmol. 2014, 98(11):1592-1596.





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